PVthin welcomes Solliance Solar Research as new Associated Member

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PVthin is proud to welcome Solliance Solar Research as new associated member to the Association. Being committed to further development and application of thin-film solar technology, Solliance vision and mission at the interface of research and industry is at the heart of PVthin’s objectives.

Solliance translates what has already been proven academically into high-tech production methods, through collaboration with the business community in Shared Research Programmes. The goal is to together develop production processes and systems until they can be scaled up to an economically viable level. In concrete terms, Solliance contributes to the value chain of companies by developing high tech machinery and high quality PV material for panels and semi-finished products.

PVthin is looking forward to a fruitful interaction and further progressing the joint mission of promoting the development of thin-film solar photovoltaic technologies and applications.

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