The challenges brought on by 2020 did not stop the momentum of PVthin, its members, and the solar industry. Despite a rocky and uncertain start to the year, solar has thrived, in part thanks to momentous new legislative decisions at EU level, including the new ambitious 2030 Climate Target Plan and a recovery package focused on making Europe greener and more resilient. Renewables have increased not only in Europe, but around the world, leading the IEA’s World Energy Outlook Report to site solar as the new king of electricity supply.
In this context, PVthin and its members have flourished. We welcomed two new members with exceptional reputations in the PV industry in 2020: CTF Solar, represented by CEO Dr. Michael Bauer, and Meyer Burger, represented by COO Dr. Erfurt Gunter.
PVthin also boosted its communications activities, both online and on paper: We published two position papers, one calling for a stronger framework to measure how green the energy sector is, and a second discussing the options and effectiveness of an Ecolabel and green public procurement criteria. We also started the work on an expert position paper on eco-design and energy labelling for PV modules and inverters to support the commission’s work for future regulatory proposals on labelling criteria. PVthin also refreshed its social media platforms and LinkedIn pages, the latter of which has amassed over 500 followers.
We hosted two successful virtual events, including the PVthin Annual General Assembly with special guest MEP Michael Bloss on June 18, and our Annual Reception on September 8 which included an expert panel discussion on the role of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics in the EU’s Building Renovation Wave. We had the honour to welcome Karlis Goldstein, Energy Efficiency Adviser to the EU Commissioner of Energy Kadri Simson, European Commission, Björn Rau, Technology Manager PVcomB, Deputy Director PVcomB, PVcomB – Kompetenzzentrum Photovoltaik Berlin, Ana Maria Sanchez Infante, Renewables & CCS Policy Officer, DG Energy, Unit C1, European Commission and Dimitris Athanasiou, Energy Efficiency Policy Officer, DG Energy, UNIT C4, European Commission.
As industrial policy begins to garner more attention in 2021, we will be watching for developments of key EU regulations likely to influence the solar energy market, including:
- The Chemical Strategy for Sustainability
- Energy efficiency, updated EU rules on ecodesign and energy labelling
- The Clean Energy Package
- The Circular Economy Action Plan
- Energy Storage
- The New Industrial Strategy
2020 was a year of great achievements for PVthin and our members. As the sun rises on 2021, PVthin will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary. After a decade of productive work building global energy security, we are excited to continue growing and encouraging green and sustainable energy for all.
The future looks bright for PVthin!